Sunday, November 5, 2017

Geprge Washingtton Cheer Leader--He was a dog lover (50 dogs)

My name is Mayor Molly McMole and I blog for author and illustrator, Lorraine Strieby.

You are going to meet one of Washington's dogs, Madame Moose, a dalmatian,
who guarded several horses during the Revolutionary War.

The Commander Washington left behind 49 dogs when he went to war, including Sweetlips and Vulcan who had a tremendous
appetite and stole a ham from Martha's kitchen before a dinner party. Washington laughted
heartily--not so much, Martha. 

These are just facts, but we owe a lot to George Washington and his four-legged friend,
Madame Moose.  You can learn a lot from Strieby's new book, "Why is a Spy called a Mole,"
now on hard copy, Amazon and Kindle.  Spy Master Christopher McMole in the Revolutionary
War was my famous ancestor.        MMM