Wednesday, March 21, 2018

George Washington--Do You Really Know Why He Became the First President of the USA?

Here is author Lorraine Strieby reading one of her Adventures of Mayor Molly McMole
books in Long Beach, California.  She had me in a hat box, since I was the main
character.  The students loved seeing me at the end of the reading.

She now published her fifth book about my  great ancestor, Spy Master Christopher
McMole, who worked for Commander George Washington, later Commander-in-Chief.
This book is about the American Revolution and starts on the Monongahela River
in Morgan Town, Va. now Morgantown, West Virginia.

The first step was the French-Indian War and was fought on and near the Monongahela
River.  Zaquill Morgan fought under Washington in the French-Indian War and
then as a Colonel in the American Revolution.  I am so proud of Christopher, but
now I have to leave because I hear Strieby's car and she still doesn't know that
I blog about this series.  You will learn more and have fun doing it- reading this book,
Why Is a Spy Called a Mole?