Do you or your college student know that an American African was a Founding Father?
Bet Not. In two of President Washington's most famous portrait paintings, there is
a man in the background and here he is, Mr. Billy Lee. After the Revolution, people
came to Mount Vernon not only to see Washington, but to see Mr. Lee.
At war he always was with Washington because he was the best horseman in the Colonies
and he took care of the finances, as well as the horses and Washington's dalmation,
Madame Moose, whose job was to guard the horses from wolves.
This man was forgotten by historians and can you imagine what Washington said
to the painter--Mr. Lee has to be in this portrait. He is important to me in the War.
Mr. Joseph H. Ellis won the Pullzer Prize for The Ballad of Bill Lee. He was not
a slave. He was a Founding Father.
Shame on people who have hidden this from the public. Not Lorraine Strieby. Read
her book, Why is a Spy Called a Mole, sold on Amazon, soft cover or eBook.