Thursday, December 20, 2018


That  is Major Washington in buckskin and a coonskin hat and that man to the far
right is Zackquill Morgan who fought in the French Indian War and was a Colonel
in the Revolution.  Oh yes, he founded Morgantown.  AND they are raafting UP
the Monongahela River which flows North, one of the few rivers that does.

The students at Skyview Elementary probably know more about the American Revolution
than anyone in Monongalia County, that includes
The teachers and the students' parents  know more.
YEA SKYVIEW!  Perhaps some students will be historians or artists.
Thanks  Brent Wilmoth! Who reads to his kids, and the people who went
to my book signing at the MAC.  Thank you Jenifer Cox, Principal of Skyview,

Meghan  Keith, Librarian, and Ro Brooks Head Curator  at the Monongalia Art
Center. Thanks to you this event took place.
You see I blog as Mayor Molly McMole, and have
written and illustrated a 5-book Series, genre—fiction based on fact,
sold on Amazon. The
Mayor Molly McMole Adventure Series.
Hey, I used to be a teacher and have traveled the world.
My 5th book, Why is a Spy Called a Mole, is about
George Washington and his Aide, Mr Billy Lee,
Son of Colonel John Lee. He was one of the
greatest heroes around. Joseph Ellis, author of
THE BALLAD OF BILLY LEE won the Pulitzer.
Repeat...Mr. Billy Lee was one of the greatest American
I believe that because he was black, historians of
the day couldn’t believe this could be true.
Well, it is and my fifth book I had to play
detective. But the facts are true. I find
that some today can’t believe it. Well, get
over it.
By the way, if you look up Mr Billy Lee on the
Internet you will find 69,000,000 hits and the
first two images are painted by yours truly.
There are other images of mine, too, so my energy
was well spent ( has 40) images, took 4 years of study,
rewrites, and then the illustrations. Most
authors couldn’t afford me as an
One more thing—Please count the owls in
the book, you will see 10 probably but there are
11. When you buy the book, FaceBook me if you found the 11th
Owl. You can buy it soft cover,
Kindle, or both. You and your kids
will be the smartest persons in the
room when it comes to the
Here is a video at Skyview Elementary.
Taught about 240 adorable kids that day.
Time well spent for all of us.
There are a lot of other facts, but
boring—no. Do you really know
what happened to Benedict Arnold?
Blueskin was not the most famous horse! It was Washington’s
other horse—Nelson, probably the most famous horse that ever lived.
You will find out. Why did the
Early Americans know history
Without radio, TV, cell phones.
Internet? The people were
important and they were a part
of our significant history that is
ignored today. Thanks DOMINION
POST for covering this event at


Monday, December 10, 2018

Why Is Commander Washington Not Wearing Red When Posing With Mentor, Half King

History Teacher from Morgantown, Tom Niner, asked Lorraine a very inportant question--Why Is Commander Washington Not Wearing Red When Posing With Mentor, Half King?
Here Tanacharison (Half KingI) stands in back of the future Revolution  Commander George
Washington.  Here he is shown after the French Indian War with his mentor, Half King
behind him.  He is not wearing red because he learned to hate the British.  One reason--
King George wouldn't give him a coveted promotion.  Of course, there were other
reasons, but this painting presentsWashington as a Colonist with his mentor,  Half
King.  Half King was a first-class warrior, spoke French, provided invaluable
reconnaissance.  He also gave Washington a Native Indian name, Conotocarious.

Have you wondered why our first president was the first president?

Perhaps it was this war experience in the French Indian War, he could ride a horse,
surveyed the county from the Atlantic to the Ohio Territory at the age of 15, learned how to hunt
with a carbine.

He was (without training)  named a Major by the British and off he went to fight one of our most
important wars--the French Indian War.  Luckily, he had a man who had his back,
Half King.

The English just up and gave him the commission of Major in the French Indian War and
he fought with Half King who could speak French and was head of many Seneca
Tribes, including the Iroquois.

This is an introduction to Lorraine Strieby's book  WHY IS A SPY CALLED A MOLE.
Strieby's curiosity and constant research brings these facts.  She is coming back
any minute.  But you should know this to make her book even more valuable.

Thanks for reading this. Be free to look this up in history,  but she did her homework.

MMM  Mayor Molly McMole