Monday, January 28, 2019

Generals Today Do Not Fight With Their Units.  Did Commander-in-Chief, George Washington?

The answer is now "No."  However, the first Commander-In-Chief did.  We sometimes
forget that our first President fought with his men, first with the English in the
French and Indian War and then in the  Revolution with his favorite aide,
Mr. Billy Lee,  and his famous war horse, Nelson.

He was creative and learned his fighting skills in the French and Indian War.
His main mentor was Half King Tanacharison, head of the Senecas and Iroquois
who spoke fluent French.  Half King hated the French because they kidnapped
him when he was a child.

Washington was also responsible for his men.  When he crossed the Potomac
and Delaware Rivers he was always last on his raft with Nelson, Mr. Billy Lee,
and his dalmatian, Madame Moose, who protected the horses from the wolves.
He wanted to make sure his men made a safe crossing.

Generals today have many ways to fight and protect their men but they don't
have to be in the battle.

Lorraine Strieby is coming so have to run.  All this is in her blogs and
her book, Why is a Spy Called  Mole?          Mayor Molly McMole, MMM