Saturday, November 16, 2019

Lorraine Strieby Created Travel Board Game for Children wannaBtruckers

Lorraine Strieby just posted on her board game wannaBtruckers.  She created this game
so children would interact with the family while traveling--not be board, on cell phone,
non electric, education, fun.  It is sold on Amazon
Mayor Molly McMole
#trucks #lorrainestrieby #I-40 #Route66 #board games #madeintheUSA #18wheelers

Sunday, November 10, 2019

The Most Famous Veteran Hero Ever

Famous Veteran Hero Ever!  I'm posting as Mayor Molly McMole today in honor of Veteran's Day.
First, a history lesson.  Do you know what a Warrant Officer is?  Well the English had this
officer title since the 1600s.  Now a warrant officer is warranted by the country to be in the
military because he/she has special skills.  Well, Commander-in-Chief  George Washington's top
aide was Mr. Billy Lee.  Oh by the way when they retire you are suppose to address them as
"Mr" if he is a man and also "Sir" if that fits.  Well, meet Mr. Billy Lee.  Today officer of
his rank would make approx $160,000 a year.  The Country needs his skills.  Well, here enters
black Warrant Officer, Mr. Billy Lee.  Lorraine Strieby has studied this and wonders
why this officer is one that no one teaches about, so he is relatively unknown, this son of         
Colonel John Lee.  If you  look Mr. Billy Lee up on the Internet her image
of this painting and others will pop up.  Colonel Lee knew that his son was special
when Mr. Billy Lee was three years old.  So, he taught him at a very early age, two languages,
math, and how to ride a horse, and shoot a gun.  When the Colonel died he willed him and his   
brother, Frank, to Washington. While young George Washington and Billy Lee became
very close.  Our first Commander-in-Chief and Warrant Officer Billy Lee were the best
horsemen in the Colonies.  Mr. Billy Lee was constantly with him in the Revolution on his
horse, Chinkling and Commander Washington on his famous horse ever, Nelson.  Nelson
had a white blaze, white stockings, and a sorrel color--Not the white horse, Blue, a pleasure
horse.  Nelson was not afraid of gun fire, the loud noise of cannons, in fact Washington and
Nelson rode as one spirit.  Now here is the thing, Mr. Billy Lee, was the best rider in this
war and young Nation.  Mr. Billy Lee carried a carbine and saved Washington's life more than
once.  Now, how could this officer be neglected and called a slave by the historians of the day
and even today. In one of Washington's journal  he wrote that Mr. Billy Lee, a Warrant Officer, had an
Honorable Discharge.  Oh!  ONE MORE THING--after the Revolution, people came to see
not only the Commander-in-Chief, but to see Mr. Billy Lee ride Chinkling through a
virgin forest.  He was given a stipend and a house on the Mount Vernon Estate.
After the Revolution Washington insisted that people pay proper respect and call his
chief aide, MR. Billy Lee.
Well, here she comes so I will sign off, she is becoming a well-known artist and writer
about Mr. Billy  Lee in her children's book,  WHY IS A SPY CALLED A MOLE?
on Amazon with 40 images with my ancestor, Master Spy, Christopher McMole
Got to sign off, Mayor Molly McMole, MMM
Oh, PS, sometimes Mr. Billy Lee wore a fancier uniform than Commander-in-Chief.
George Washington applauded! #georgewashington #mrbillylee #americanhero
#americanheroforgotten #warrantoffice #whyisaspycalledamole #warhorsenelson
#coloneljohnlee #whatisawarrantofficer