Well here he is with a spoonful full of sugar. First of all I doubt if he wore powder in his hair since he was a relatively young warrior and Commander-in-
Chief of the Revolutionary Forces and had reddish brown hair worn in a braid.
And forget about Blueskin, he was for show. Washington rode with his men on a horse named, Nelson--probably the most famous horse ever. Nelson had an uneven blaze, sorrel. and white stockings. This horse and Washington were as one spirit in battle and
Washington taunted the British by riding back and forth in front of his troops. Blueskin was afraid of gun and cannon fire--
not Washington nor Nelson. Washington they say was not shot in these battles but after his death his war vest did have some bullet holes. His troops fought behind trees and knew the mountain trails.
Washington and his Aides were expert horsemen. especially Warrant Officer, Mr. Billy Lee.
General Horatio Gates wanted to be the first President, but he had no chance against
Commander-in-Chief George Washington.
More coming. Lorraine Strieby
author of the Revolutionary war book
for kids and older folks. too
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