Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Homeschooling with Mayor Molly McMole, Learning facts with a "Spoonful of Sugar"

I am using Strieby's computer again.  For you homeschoolers out there you might want to get her
book, Mayor Molly McMole Meets Vinnie the Shrew, an adventure we had going up the California coast all the way to Alaska.  You see Lorraine Strieby is a teacher and her books are fantasy based on facts and since she is an artist too she illustrates her own books.  They say a picture equals a 1K
words so reading her books is like storytelling to the kids and many words if you count the many illustrations.

Did you know that there are no moles in Alaska--too cold for their mole holes?  My adventurous moles are now nomads because a contractor covered up our Mole Town, filled with castles.
Then our adventures begin.  We see the sites--a golden bridge, dormant volcanoes, the Seattle Harbor, orcas, gray whales, and then Valdez.  You see shrews and moles are related and my Cousin Vinnie builds, rents, and sells ice castles.  Of course, I rent one.  Oh, magical days!

In Valdez Cat Sophia meets a wonderful lady named Abby, chef, graduate of USC, and
takes us to Rome and Hawaii for the winter months.  Well these are different books in the series,
and the first book, Cat Sophia and Mayor Molly McMole is the beginning of a six-book series
with 250 illustrations.   Reading her books is like learning facts with a "spoonful of sugar"...
Amazon and Kindle
Well, here she comes so have to go, MMM