2 plus 2 = 1776
Just might make a lot of sense. All this talk about racism has a lot of
ins and outs.
In the Revolution, there were four men fighting the British who were heroes. They fought together for eight years and we know two of them, and two were not mentioned very much by the historians of the American Revolution, even though they were well-known by the Colonists.
Two of them were known by historians and we all know about their exceptional bravery and fighting skills. Books were written and movies made of them. These two warriors loved the other two as brothers and their fighting skills also were exceptional. In fact, they were a team, a force that the British couldn’t beat.
To overlook them now as in the past is a mystery to me. I admit that one has received accolades, and a book/play. The other is still obscure. Who are these four heroes?
They are:
Commander-in- Chief George Washington, his Aide black Mr. Billy Lee (warrant officer, honorable discharge), THE BALLAD OF BILLY LEE,
General Francis Marion, father of guerrilla warfare (the Swamp Fox), and the black soldier, Aide Oscar Marion. The Swamp Fox and Oscar were like brothers and grew up together on the Marion Plantation,
Oscar was an American hero and fought the whole eight years.
War has many heroes and stories to tell. Our children are getting sort of short-changed don’t you think?