This is an important time in our history as a country. History in our public schools seems to have taken
a back seat or emphasis on what is wrong with the USA. Our first president and warrior in both the
French and Indian War and the American Revolution did NOT sign the Declaration of Independence.
Neither did Alexander Hamilton.
Great warriors had a purpose they were fighting for. In William Wallace's case he was fighting
against the Brits to free Scotland from the abusive Brits. Mel Gibson played him in the movie,
"Brave Heart" and Wallace was killed by the British. Patrick Henry said, "Give me liberty or death."
When patriots pay high taxes, can't vote, can't practice their religion, are told what to do and not what to do in their own homes, have uneven rules, leaders ignore the rights of their citizens who pay taxes, there is unrest.
Well, like Wallace, Commander-in-Chief George Washington, was the warrior who fought the British.
His performance in the French Indian War led to him being this leader among men to get our rights back.
He used guerrilla warfare, creative generals, and he was also creative and the best horseman in the land on his most famous war horse, Nelson, and he had two aides that he depended on--Alexander Hamilton andMr. Billy lee on his horse, Chinkling. In at least 6 famous paintings of George Washington, the artists of the day painted George Washington with Mr. Billy Lee and these two led the troops into battle, Commander-in-Chief George Washington and black Mr. Billy Lee.
Cowboy actor John Wayne said, "You may be scared to death, but you saddle up anyway."
The reason Washington and Hamilton didn't sign the Declaration of Independence is they were saddling up and fighting for our rights in New York City against the British.
Bet you weren't taught this in school
Well, Strieby is busy moving her office and studio so I am writing this bit of information since a lot of students are being home-schooled these days I thought I'd help a little. You know my ancestor, Christopher McMole, was a Master Spy for Washington so I keep up on President Washington and wonder why the people in Washington, DC seem to forget or not know about the man who was a real hero.
A good book to learn about the American Revolution is "Why is a Spy Called a Mole," by Lorraine Strieby, Amazon and Kindle
Did you know Washington used to ride in front of his troops back and forth to taunt the Brits?
Bet not.
Well, I'm going down my Mole Hole
Just thought you all should know another reason to love our country
Bye, Mayor Molly McMole, MMM
#americanrevolution #declarationofindependence #georgewashington #alexanderhamilton #lorrainestrieby #whyisaspycalledamole #mayormollymcmole