You see I am a mole, disguised as a mouse, thinking that this would save me and my mole tribe.
Then I had to sweet talk her and I actually treated her to live music by the Mole Rats and fed her tuna rolls which she loved and wanted more.
The story tales are on Amazon and Kindle and each one teaches something.
At this time with home teaching these books will make the job easier. Mayor Molly McMole, that's me had an ancestor Christopher McMole who was Master Spy to Commander George Washington in the American Revolution--fantasy based on fact. Lorraine Strieby wonders why she was never taught why Washington was so great. He led the troops on his horse, Nelson, and his Aide, Warrant Officer, black Mr. Billy Lee, Honorable Discharge. Washington loved Mr. Billy Lee so much he built him a house on his property, Mount Vernon.
Strieby suspects that I use her computer so so long for now. She will watch WVU basketball tonight, playing Syracuse in Sweet 16. I think I'll watch too. Bye for now. Mayor Molly McMole
#georgewashington #mr.billylee #wvu #syracuse #sweetsixteen #americanrevolution #friendship