Friday, January 21, 2022

Title: Finding Molly (this tiny mole is here, the fun is trying to find her. The series, The Adventures of Mayor Molly McMole. This painting is is in my travels series. My husband and I had visited Italy several times, once when I received The Sandro Botticelli Prize in Florence, one time when my husband gave a paper in one of the Cinque Terre cities on the Western Coast, and we took are children and grandchildren there a couple of times. Venice and Rome were always top of the list. I had read Italian history. This painting just came into my mimd. While at St. Mark’s I wish I had spent more time reading its history and especially about the four horses in the foreground. Michelangelo I studied and I knew that Botticelli was a two-dimensional artist but I discovered the Four River Fountain by Bernini on Novana Square and that fountain became the cover of my Mayor Molly McMole, 3rd book, All Roads Lead to Rome. I want you to see these four cities but since I am a symbolist you won’t see St. Mark’s but you will see the Four Horses of the Apocalypse. This montage features them on the plaza even though the fake ones are on the front of the cathedral and real ones are inside. It is said that Italy sailed over to Russia and stole these horses and then during the installation they noticed that one of the horses hooves was missing. Well, the people in Gual had the gall to write a letter and ask for the missing hoof. Well, you can imagine what the Russians answered. One more thing-- you will see St. Peter’s but where is the cross? Its there but not on the Cathedral. #italy #florenceitaly #rome #roma #Cinqueterre #montage #mayormollymcmole #bernini #michalangelo #novanasquare #fourriversstatue #arno #gondola #fourhorsesoftheapoxalyse #horses #famoushorses Please contact me for pricing