Wednesday, March 15, 2017

"Adam and Eve" by Lorraine Strieby and Sandro the Mole

This is Sandro again.  Rome and Florence inspired me and
also Strieby.  While Gus, our Omega Mole, was doing
cartwheels in the Uffizi Museum, Strieby and I were
getting a sketch of Botticelli’s Venus and then we
went out on the square and sketched Michelangelo’s
David (the fake one). These famous works of art are
only a few blocks away from each other  so it was
a perfect match for "Adam and Eve."

You can see our version in Strieby’s “All Roads 
Lead to Rome.”  A lot of artists paint their version 
Of Adam and Eve, and this is our painting. 

It took about a year, and Strieby said this is for
our collection only, but you can see an image of  our "Adam and Eve"
in Book 3, on Amazon/Kindle..

I can’t wait to write about Bernini, but I hear
her car coming.  I’ll hop in my redoubt,  under
Tunnel I-5 so she can't find me.  Bye, Sandro