VOLCANOES are always erupting all over the world, however, it seems
that the volcanoes in Hawaii are always going off. Kilauea just
spewed lava yesterday all over the place,. Lorraine Strieby explains to your
child about how shield volcanoes are formed and consequently
how Hawaii was formed.
Even a mole like me can understand it when she puts words to
a page. Remember, you and your child can read it on Amazon/
Kindle in her fourth book, Mayor Molly McMole Follows the
Do you know the difference between shield and Pelean volcanoes?
PELEANS were named after the beautiful Hawaiian Goddess Pele.
They also blow their tops. Shields are nice and smooth.
Strieby makes PELE so beautiful and powerful holding the sun
and moon in her arms. Take a look in her new book.
Hey, Sandro wants to get into the act. So my dear friend
will be blogging too when Strieby is away.
Got to scamper, I here Strieby coming! BYE