It is funny and strange how history is rewritten or facts are omitted because of the
politics of the day.
Do you think your children and grandchildren are getting a good knowledge of our
country's beginning. Well, think again, Here are some questions to ask the
little ones or your high school children or college students. Do you know the
1) What happened to Benedict Arnold?
2) Why was Mr. Billy Lee more important to Commander Washington than
Alexander Hamilton?
3) Who was Mr. Billy Lee?
4) Who was Nelson?
5) Why was Mount Vernon' s roof famous?
6) Who was Madame Moose?
7) What was her job?
8) Did Washington get shot or Nelson?
9) How long did the Revolution last?
10) Who was John Andre?
11) What was the Vulture
12) How many ships did Benjamin Franklin get from France?
You can buy Why Is a Spy Called a Mole hard copy from Amazon, written by
my creator on Amazon, Author and Illustrator Lorraine Strieby (40 illustrations)
Have a wonderful day and look up this book. She will be having signings soon.
Mayor Molly McMole MMM