Did you know that the white horse that painters of the day painted was NOT his horse of choice but his most famous horse was named--Nelson.
Most of us had a favorite teacher and we can bring up his/her name just like that. For
me it was Mrs. Morgan, First Ward Elementary, Morgantown, West Virginia. I truly
loved her. She taught a lot but not why Commander Washington deserved to
be President of the United States. Yes, Thelma Morgan was a fabulous teacher.
Thank you, Ron Chernow. Even when I was an adult I didn't know his bravery
and courage and there were some people and animals that should have
recognition. A certain publisher said that this book, Why is a Spy Called a Mole, was a children's book (40 illustrations). Amazon put it in the category 3 to 18. Gramps
and Grandma will enjoy and learn at 81 years old.
You are in for an adventure and learn about 4 characters--one probable should
be as famous as Lieutenant Alexander Hamilton and a horse more famous
than Secretariat.
Now if your favorite teacher taught this to you, you were lucky. If not
you need to buy this hard copy on Amazon. Brad Hirou and Gloria Morrison
are interested in making a movie, TV series of this book series, Adventures of
Mayor Moly McMole.
Lorraine Strieby