Wednesday, January 22, 2020

George Washington, Mr Billy Lee, the real hero in the Revolutionary War Along with of course Commander in Chief, George Washington

George Washington and Mr. Billy Lee
Lorraine Strieby

Mr. Billy Lee who historians like to call him a slave was anything but that.
He was a Warrant Officer in the Revolutionary War and the friend, relative, and black man who saved Commander in Chief, George Washington's life more than once and was the best horseman in the Colonies who rode a horse named Chinkling.  Now you would think that historians would
write about him more than they have and declare him a forefather since Washington would not go anywhere without him.  Mr. Lee did Washington's finances, fought with him in the Revolution right up there with Alexander Hamilton, but no.  They choose to ignore the fact that Mr. Billy Lee was the son of Colonel John Lee, rode a horse, carried a carbine in the Revolutionary War and in Washington's papers there is an Honorable Discharge declaration for Mr. Billy Lee.  Why do I keep
calling Mr. Billy Lee, Mr? Because Warrant Officers must always be referred to that title when they are no longer a member of the USA Military.  If he were alive today he would make
approximately $168.000 a year.
In this painting you will see me,  Mayor Molly McMole, reading about my ancestor
Master Spy, Christopher McMole, who worked with wolf dogs during the Revolution.
I have to cut this short because you know I am a Mole and do the hunt and peck
method of blogging.  Look Strieby's book up on Amazon.  You will be the
smartest person in the room if the conversation turns to President Washington and
our famous forefathers. 40 illustrations, Read to a child.

Mayor Molly McMole, MMM

Here she comes, so have to jump down my mole hole