The Adventures of Mayor Molly McMole
Make Lemonade from Lemons
Mayor Molly McMole one morning awoke to a cement parking lot covering all of her
mole holes and blocking her tunnels. What to do?
After some thought she decided to get all of her mole friends, Spider Leggs and his web,
Sophia the Cat and jump into a strange car with the trunk open and hide under
a blanket that was convenient lying there.
The older couple shortly came, closed the trunk and they were on their way. But to where?
Well it was a short trip to Santa Barbara, CA where they escaped out of the trunk
onto the beach where they had never seen an ocean. and "Wow" they saw this guy surfing.
Gus, the Omega mole said "lets do this," Well you can guess they pulled the bark off a dead tree
and Sandro painted their surfboards that they chewed into shape, and swam out a little way
and practiced under the stars. Gus, Sophia, and Sandro were natural surfers. Others just
lay on their boards but fun was had by all.
Well, what happens next is important because shortly they will meet Abby,
their savior and Molly's cousin, Vinnie the Shrew, which is the
name of the second book, "Mayor Molly McMole Meets Cousin Vinnie the Shrew."
in Kindle.
Stay tuned to find out how they meet Abby, Vinnie, and the villain of the story.
Yes, this tale has a villain
Yes, this tale has a villain