You know I'm just Mayor Molly McMole, a furry creature that digs mole holes and loves the USA.
When HBO took off GONE WITH THE WIND that was a body blow to me--a mole.
Lorraine Strieby probably watched the movie 7 or
8 times. Each time it was timely--Civil War, civil rights,
slavery, women rights, family, great acting, great writing, slaves who were good at what they did,
and good old romance.
They helped the South. Blacks fought for the Union too you know. This man pictured here was
the BFF of Commander-in-Chief George Washington, sometimes wore a fancier uniform
than Washington, Warrant Officer Mr. Billy Lee, Honorable discharge, and not only was he the BFF
of Washington, but saved Washington's life more than once. Was the best horseman in the
colonies. You weren't taught this in school, and neither was Lorraine Strieby, but she did research.
Margaret Mitchell was the most famous person in Atlanta. Strieby was in her apartment and
saw her typewriter and Mitchell covered it with a towel so NO ONE could read it before it was finished.
This may have been one of the best accounts of the South and our Nation as it really was.
Doesn't Russia, China, North Korea and other Marxist countries censor what their citizens can
read or watch? Wake up America, be proud of your country. The American Constitution
is the best constitution ever, even a few brave men in Russia wanted to copy it, and were
punished and killed for their efforts.
Can we do something positive here instead of rioting in the streets? Strieby tried to find out if there was a statue of Mr. Billy Lee, as usual the historians have overlooked this too. Perhaps there is
a relief of him and Washington in France.
Well, getting back to Mr. Billy Lee--Why not give this forefather a well-deserved statue? If it weren't for him, saving Washington's
life, our Capitol City might have been Jefferson, Gates, Franklin, who knows?
If you look him up on the internet, the text is rather sketchy on this black hero. They just don't care,
but two authors received the Pulitzer for writing about him.
Oh, here comes Strieby now, got to hop down my Mole Hole. Bye, MMM
Look/see, he is in many portraits with Washington, I wonder why no one notices.
#Warrantofficertitle, Mr