Friday, July 10, 2020

Mr. Billy Lee, Mystery Man, Who Was He Really, American Hero, Ignored in History Classes

Congress and citizens are clamoring to remove statues in the Capital Building Rotunda.  I suggest a new statue to add--a black Revolution soldier, Mr. Billy Lee.  Someone who we can look up to no matter what race we belong. 

Not to slight Alexander Hamilton  in any way, but Commander-in-Chief Washington wouldn't go anywhere without his Aide, Mr. Billy Lee, notice he is not a slave.  He saved Washington's life in the Revolution more than once.  History has ignored him even though he is in at least six paintings with Washington.
In the above painting who is the soldier standing behind Washington to the left of the US flag?
Mr. Billy Lee was the best horseman in the Colonies and rode a horse named Chinkling.
Two men rode in front of our troops  to battle the British --Washington and Mr. Billy Lee.
Mr. Billy Lee was a celebrity and the Colonists visited Mount Vernon to see Mr. Billy Lee ride Chinkling in a nearby virgin forest. Bill O' Riley calls him an Aide--not a slave.
He spoke two languages and did Washington's finances, not to mention being the best horseman in the Colonies, he and Washington

In closing, a painting by Charles Peale was sold recently for  $23.3 million.  Only two men were in the painting, Commander-in-Chief George Washington and Warrant Officer Mr. Billy Lee.
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#whyisaspycalledamole #georgewashington #horseman #congressbuildingrotunda