In January 2005 painting, of Washington with the mystery man, that historians fail to recognize is not just a soldier, but Aide to Commander-in-Chief, George Washington. This painting was sold for
$21.3 million. (not mine unfortunately, but my portraits are on the internet). Now, usually the person in the painting has to pay for the portrait. Why does Washington insist that this same unnamed soldier appears in at least 6 paintings with Washington's warhorse, Nelson? Well this soldier is Mr. Billy Lee and Bill O'Riley in his book "Legends and
Lies:The Patriots" calls Mr. Billy Lee, Aide. O'Riley has a staff that do tremendous research so
since he calls Mr. Billy Lee an Aide, there we go.
One other thing, Washington insisted that people call Billy Lee, Mr. Billy Lee.
Warrant Officers are special officers that are asked by the Government to join the Military as a Warrant Officer and they are highly regarded. The present salary of a Warrant Officer is over $150,000 per year.. The British has had these officers since the 1600s. These officers have valuable skills.
Well some of the skills that Mr. Billy Lee possessed were:
Spoke two languages
Did Washington/s finances
Best horseman in the Colonies on his horse, Chinkling
Saved Washington's life more than once in battle with his carbine
Charming personality, nice to have around
Washington wouldn't go anywhere without him
In fact, maybe he was as important as Washington
He was a celebrity. Americans came to Mount Vernon to see Mr. Billy Lee
ride his horse, Chinkling, through a virgin forest!
Now, the reason I wrote about him in my book, Why Is a Spy Called a Mole, is that why has his
story not taught in school? These protesters are tearing down statues of Forefathers because anything goes-- no respect for our history. We learn from mistakes so history is important.
They are ignorant about this Forefather and are even destroying monuments of black Union soldiers.
Stay with me here, if O'Riley calls Mr. Bill Lee an Aide, Yea!!! Someone else knows he was NOT
a slave.
Lorraine Strieby, Why Is a Spy Called a Mole, Amazon/Kindle