Right now I'm illustrating a children's book for another author, one of my joys in life--illustrating. Why?
Our family didn't get a TV until I was 12 years old, and since I read a lot I developed my imagination. Let's see, my ordinary house became a palace so I was a princess, our back yard became a stage where I could be a ballet dancer, an acrobat--specializing in backbends and cartwheels.
Growing up in Morgantown, WV, we had lots of clouds so when I took timeout I could lie down and look up in the sky and see angles, dragons, horses, cats, dogs, sailing ships in full sail.
Having a love of music, I played the piano, accordion, clarinet and I loved to listen to music, play music, dancing with my boyfriend, slow dancing, the twist, even the bunny hop.
When TV videos came out with the hit singer, rapper, rock group, I thought "hey, when I hear Casey and the Sunshine Band, I want to have my own memories--not someone else's. Same goes for Little Richard, and Jerry Lee Lewis, Louis Armstrong, Glen Miller, Duke Ellington, Lena Horne, Ella FitzgeraldDoes anyone know if these artists even did videos?
#childrenbooks #illustrator #lorrainestrieby #mayormollymcmole #wannabtruckers #lorraineproductions #drawing #portraits #fineart #imagination #createastory #storytelling #fantasy #fantasybasedonfact #whyisaspycalledamole
Well, my point is we had to use our imagination a lot. People haven't lost their imagination because there are some really good authors today and film directors. My favorite was John Hughes who did: Sixteen Candles, Farris Bueller's Day Off, Home Alone l and 2, the Breakfast Club. Why was he so great--because he never forgot how to be a kid.
Well, that happens to a lot of us and I believe that I never forgot either--so children books are my bag, either writing and illustrating the Mayor Molly McMole books or illustrating for another author..
Well, "thats all, folks," Happy Sailing," Lorraine Strieby, aka Mayor Molly McMole
#childrensbooks #storyteller #imagination #music #musictomyears #johnhughes #ferrisbueller, #breakfastclub #louisarmstrong #ellafittzgerald #videos #fantasy