He was underfunded, his troops were good at shooting but he was short on ammo. They had to fight the winter cold and were short on warm clothing, boots, food--in general--supplies. But he did have spies. If you have been following the blogs of Lorraine Strieby and Mayor Molly McMole's adventures you know about the American Revolution, George Washington, Mr. Billy Lee, but did you know about Nathan Hale.
He graduated from Yale and volunteered to fight for our country. Washington was losing the war and was in Manhattan losing to the Brits. Remember, he couldn't sign the Declaration of Independence because he was out fighting for our freedom.
Well he asked his troops for one volunteer to go behind the enemy lines and be a spy--get the goods on these soldiers who were taking away our rights to be respected throughout the world. Well, at the time only one soldier stood up and volunteered. And, indeed, he was good at what he volunteered to do and helped Washington beat the Brits but he was caught and paid with his life.
He died with honor, and his last words are still quoted today, "I only regret that I only have but one life to lose for our country."
He was disguised as a school teacher and worked as a spy for a few weeks before he was executed by the Brits. Some people think that Yale University should be changed to Hale University. Nathan Hale had no slaves while Eli Yale was a slave trader.
I'm so proud of my ancestor Christopher McMole, master spy for George Washington-- please read about the American Revolution by Lorraine Strieby. Well here she comes so I am going to hop down my mole hole.
Mayor Molly McMole, AKA Lorraine Strieby, Author of Why Is a Spy Called a Mole
#americanhistory #nathanhale #georgewashington #whyisaspycalledamole #slavetrader #spy #georgewashington #battleofmanhattanamericanrevolution #americanrevolution