Actually this birthing person owns a restaurant
I was going to write she but this is not politically right, right?
Lewis Carroll wrote Alice in Wonderland as a satire on British politics. Mayor Molly McMole wants to know if you moms, mammas, grandmothers, GiGs -- are you happy with being called birthing person? Well a Missouri congress birthing congress person just renamed you. She called us this yesterday in US Congress.
Hold on, just think on Birthing Persons Day the card companies will have to do a lot of reprinting.
Fathers Day Cards too--Sperm Donors Day, LOL
Missouri, thanks for thinking we women and female moles as cows or sheep.
Lewis Carroll, we have a lot of mad hatters running around!
Look, Mom, Momma, Grandmother, GiGi are important titles, just like CEO, PhD, Senator, perhaps even more important.
Congress birthing persons and Congress sperm donors get a grip!
You are falling down the Rabbit Hole, in this case Mole Hole!!!
Missouri, don't you think you should change your name "Miss"--Mayor Molly doesn't think that will be legal. Hopefully we will keep Mississippi.
Well, again Lorraine Strieby doesn't know I type sometimes when I feel I'm in the writing mood.
I wonder what our Forefathers of all colors would think of this-- "Alice in Wonderland" environment.
Well, time for me to jump down the Mole Hole. It is sane down there.
Signed proudly Mayor Molly McMole, AKA Lorraine Strieby
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#catholicchurch #minister #ministers #greetingcardcompoanies #libraries