Why Are The Powers That Be Are Even Thinking About This
1. American History was not taught in school? Do you really know about the French Indian War and what role George Washington played in it?
2. Do you know who black Mr. Billy Lee was (Warrant Officer to George Washington, not slave) ?
3. Do you know who black Oscar Marion was, like a brother to the Swamp Fox, Francis Marion?
4. Who was General Henry Knox, and what was he famous for?
5. Why did people come to Mount
Vernon after winning the Revolution besides wanting to see
Commander-in-Chief George Washington?
CRT promotors think you don't know the following:
1. The answers to the above questions
2. There were black forefathers too
3. There were Seneca tribal forefathers too
4. We are not racists
5. American history is and was not taught in school
6. History books can be boring--jazz it up a bit!
7. You were not taught why President Washington was elected President
8. You don''t know that we are a Republic--not a Democracy
That means the people have the power and the elect officials to represent them.
9. You don't know the Constitution (Even some members of the Russian military wanted our Constitution
for Russia and were punished for their efforts)
10.The promotors of CRT are ignorant of the above.
Most countries only keep their government for 250 years. Did you know that Italy is one of the youngest countries. What? Yes, they were a bunch of principalities. Their post offices are in tobacco shops.
Lorraine Strieby, AKA Mayor Molly McMole, a series of children's books and book 5 is
WHY IS A SPY CALLED A MOLE, answers the above questions and then some--history with a spoonful of
sugar with a a bunch of illustrations. Amazon and Kindle (about Mayor Molly's mole/spy Christopher McMole,
Spy for Commander-in Chief, George Washington)
#crt #americanhistory #americanrevolution #americanheroes #senecatribes #warrantofficer #warrantofficers #frenchindianwar #battleofyorktown #mayormollymcmolesblog