WHY IS A SPY CALLED A MOLE, Lorraine Strieby
Here he is, perhaps our greatest and first President of the USA. Here he is arriving at West Point to have breakfast with Benedict Arnold. It was a planned event, but when he arrived at the run-down fort, General Benedict Arnold had left early that morning to board the British ship, the Vulture. (He was planning to kill Washington at West Point, but the plan backfired)! Yes--he was a traitor and let the fort go downhill on purpose. Arnold captained the ship, the Vulture, for about a year and went back to England where he belonged.
Commander-in-Chief George Washington led his troops for approximately 8 years with Warrant Officer, Mr. Billy Lee, and Aide Alexander Hamilton through years of terrible conditions to win the freedom for our citizens.
Mayor Molly McMole bets you were not taught this in school.
Did you know about these three, Washington, Hamilton, and black Mr. Billy Lee (who happened to have saved Washington life a couple of times during the Revolution) were heroes. AND Washington rode his war horse, Nelson, led his troops and was shot at many times, as he taunted the British because he was one of the best horseman in the country--he rode Nelson back and forth in front of his troops--and they couldn't even wound him--true!!! Look it up.
#georgewashington #horseman #besthorseman #mrbillylee #warrantofficer #warrantofficermrbillylee #benedictarnold #fortwestpoint #spyanderson #nelson #blueskin #washingtonandhisloveofanimals #sweetlips #benedictarnold #thevuleture #battleatYorktown #battle atmanhattan