Monday, January 31, 2022
KOKOPELLI AND DESERT ROSE Southwest Series The legend has it that Kokopelli was a hunchback and played the flute and the native American women loved him because of hiis flute music. Well, I couldn't understand that thinking until I visited Walnut Canyon, Arizona. Our tourguide took us down to the bottom of the canyon somewhere around 2001 and somewhere in this immense sandstone canyon was a flute player, his music filling the whole canyon which sounded kind of outrageous to me. I played a clarinet and the flutes were always in the front of the orchestra so I thought because they didnt sound like a trumpet or a french horn that alway blasted away. Well these instruments wouldn't have added to the atmosphere, but the flute--yes, louder than Satch at his loudest!
This is a diptych so the painting on the right is Santa Fe Rose, this just came out of my imagination--to go with the iconic Kokopelli. He represents fertility, agricullture and the spirit of music, a pretty important icon. The Southwest is filled with beauty and Kokopelli is a spiritual part of this wondrous place and culture.
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Saturday, January 29, 2022
I was with Strieby when she designed the wannaBtruckers boardgame for children to play on the Internet and keep them from asking the question "are we there yet?"
This game not only teaches counting, geography, map reading, famous national interstates but honors truckers and those beautiful 18 wheelers. All parts of this game are made in the USA even the hour glass that measures 2 minutes. The directions are on the side of the box so you don't have to worry about the directions getting lost.
Well,7 years ago Peterbilt had a celebration in Pico Rivera, CA, and they sent a trucker up to Strieby's location in a dragon red Peterbilt and drove her down to the celebration to walk on the red carpet with her husband and gave her boardgame out as door prizes.
Sitting in this gorgeous truck is her gorgeous daughter, Vicki Parzyk, showing off
Strieby's game. The article is on the internet written by Peterbilt.
The game is $19.95 and Strieby recommends that you buy one for each child that way they won't be prone to lose a pawn piece. And, you will discover that the adults like to play this game. You can order this game on her new website or
call EPI in Battle Creek, MI, or email Strieby at
Truckers are our modern-day cowboys and cowgirls and are heroes who help stock the supplies in our stores. Lets cheer them on their journeys across the USA and remember who supplies our stores. Nevertheless, Happy Trucking from Mayor Molly McMole MMM
who in Strieby's second and sixth book I rode with my mole tribe in a big rig. I'll never forget it. Well, here she comes so I'll just shutdown her computer.
its Molly again informing and reminding you of two things about the Revolution: Washington had no I-phones and then how did he communicate with his militia? How about carrier pidgeons, spies, and wolfdogs.
My ancestor helped train wolfdogs to howl certain numbers of howls for the British ships going north or south Atlantic. Wolfdogs can here approx 10 miles away from each other so why not? Again, why not? To this day dogs are used in combat, dissasters, finding illicit drugs. Just remember Washington had a bunch of problems that generals of today do not have. Washington, Lee, and Hamilton fought with their men. They had to know how to ride a horse and be a good marksman.
A white general, a black warrant officer (called a slave) and Hamilton who probaby didnt know who his father was--three heroes who the colonists probably didn't care one iota about this. These forefathers were heroes and they did it without electronics. Oh! let's not forget Ben Franklin discoveing electricity, do we talk about him today in the classroom, bet not. Franklin did something spectacular to win the Revolution, do you know what it was? In WHY IS A SPY CALLED A MOLE, you will find out. Well time for me to put this blog to rest, put it out there for you to read. Bye for now
Thursday, January 27, 2022
Mayor Molly McMole and General Horatio Gates
Coincidences or Destiny
I'm the blogger today but can you believe this? All true! Strieby wrote in her book 5, WHY IS A SPY CALLED A MOLE, about General Horatio Gates, his portrait is in the Congressional Building. He thought he was hot stuff and should be the first president of our great country, not Commander-in-Chief George Washington. So he showed up at the greeting and thankyou address that Washington gave his melitia, but Gates thought he was The Man. Well, Washington got started on his speech by taking out his glasses to read his notes and remarked that he had a few gray hairs and his eyes weren't the best because of their 8 year journey together to victory and how much he loved his fellow soldiers. Well, that brought down the house--applause, laughter, love, and respect. There is another famous painting of this event with all eyes on Washington and Horatio Gates looking out the window--he knew Washington was going to be our first President--not Horation Gates!
Strieby was the Original Concept Artist of the 2016 West Virginia Float in the Rose Parade in Pasadena, CA--WILD AND WONDERFUL. While she was back in Morgantown at a fundraiser at the Hotel Morgan, a handsome stranger walked across the room to introduce himself, Keith McIntosh, Senator Manchin's aide. Guess what, can you believe it, but Keith
grew up in General Horiatio Gate's home and raises beef cattle there. Of course, Strieby and McIntosh became friends and she had no way of knowing they would meet. She had a painting in Book 5 WHY IS A SPY CALLED A MOLE and General Gates' portrait is IN IT. You know my ancestor, Master Spy Christopher McMole, was Washington's spy and is the main character in her book. Strieby put a few generals in her book, but meeting Keith was something that made her proud, and Senator Manchin wanted to give her support in this project by sending Keith.
Please excuse any typos in here because I'm Mayor Molly McMole and I have big furry paws and Strieby really doesn't know that I sometimes write these blogs so
now it is time for me to scurry, hurry, and jump down my Mole Hole to check on my mole tribe. Have a good one Mayor Molly McMole MMM
Tuesday, January 25, 2022
Seascape Series--View from the Crab Shack, Oceanside, CA
I love this fishing boat and so do the seals, pelicans, and seagulls. If you sit at a window seat at the Crab Shack, you get to see all these sea creatures trying to get their next meal or just hanging out. This restaurantis at the Oceanside, CA Harbor. California has such beauetiful harbors--I just took a photo with my Iphone and sketched using my imagination, memory, some collage, acrylic paints, and some techniques I've discovered throughout the years. #harbor #harbors
#seascape #fishingboat #seabirds #pelicans #seagull #seagulls #sea #ocean #sealegs #seals
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Seascapes Series
One of my favorites--Oceanside Harbor
I seem to gravitate to seabirds and sailboats (I was proposed to on one--a small sailboat on a lake in Vermont). This is not Vermont but California.
Never knowing who owns these boats, I make up stories in my mind and you can do the same. Camp Pendelton is just across the road so it could be a marine, yes?
Oh, and I love painting with acrylics and using collage on black paper. I painted this aroud ten years ago. Happy Sailing...
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Sunday, January 23, 2022
St Petersburg
St Petersburg, Russia
Strieby was adventurous so she and her husband, Stan Gunn, met a ship in Stockholm and traaveled to Russia. There she saw a vendor selling soft drinks infront of the onion domed Church of the Savior. The sun was playing magic on his bottles for sale and took away the main story--the cathedral. To her the bottles looked like Russian dancers and stole the show. She painted this from her photograph in 2010 and played with it to tell this story. Mayor Molly McMole
Please contact me for the pricing
Saturday, January 22, 2022
Travel Series - Angel's Gate
I didnt have to travel very far to get this inspiration. In 2013 my mom's ashes were buried at sea at San Pedro where the Los Angeles Lighthouse, Angels's Gate, is--not far from the Queen Mary. Coming ashore I saw this sight of San Pedro and Angel's Gate. This is a montage so I just moved the Queen Mary over from Long Beach and Wa La - this diptych, San Pedro. In the bottom left you see a seal. This is no ordinary seal, his name is Charlie and in 1960s he was the US Coast Guard's mascot.
He lived there and joined the lighthouse crew for meals. They took him in when he was just a pup.
Angel's Gate
diptych 48 in x 48 in mixed media
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Friday, January 21, 2022
England Sketch
Travel Series
While traveling through the UK I sketched this painting in my 8 x 11 sketchbook and when returned to the States I had these sketchbook pages enlarged to
13 in x 31 in and then painted it added a border and Wa La—England. My sources--visited museums, walked through neighborhoods, and from memory.
Of course, Shakespeare and Big Ben are paired with Queen Elizabeth I.
The good thing--it was accepted into the Westminster Gallery in 1999 right accross from the Westminster Cathedral. Its original title was "The Other Eden."
The International Society of Acrylic Painters Show.
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Title: Finding Molly (this tiny mole is here, the fun is trying to find her. The series, The Adventures of Mayor Molly McMole. This painting is is in my travels series.
My husband and I had visited Italy several times, once when I received The Sandro Botticelli Prize in Florence, one time when my husband gave a paper in one of the Cinque Terre cities on the Western Coast, and we took are children and grandchildren there a couple of times.
Venice and Rome were always top of the list. I had read Italian history. This painting just came into my mimd.
While at St. Mark’s I wish I had spent more time reading its history and especially about the four horses in the foreground. Michelangelo I studied and I knew that Botticelli was a two-dimensional artist but I discovered the Four River Fountain by Bernini on Novana Square and that fountain became the cover of my Mayor Molly McMole, 3rd book, All Roads Lead to Rome.
I want you to see these four cities but since I am a symbolist you won’t see St. Mark’s but you will see the Four Horses of the Apocalypse.
This montage features them on the plaza even though the fake ones are on the front of the cathedral and real ones are inside. It is said that
Italy sailed over to Russia and stole these horses and then during the installation they noticed that one of the horses hooves was missing.
Well, the people in Gual had the gall to write a letter and ask for the missing hoof. Well, you can imagine what the Russians answered.
One more thing-- you will see St. Peter’s but where is the cross? Its there but not on the Cathedral.
#italy #florenceitaly #rome #roma #Cinqueterre #montage #mayormollymcmole #bernini #michalangelo #novanasquare #fourriversstatue #arno #gondola #fourhorsesoftheapoxalyse #horses #famoushorses
Please contact me for pricing
Thursday, January 20, 2022
Changer of Pace, Lorraine Strieby Loves to Travel and Sketch for a Future Painting, Yucatan Pottery
While in the Yucatan back in the early 90s I saw such lovely pottery and did a few sketches. Back in my studio I arranged these sketches, using some of my techniques.
Remember, I am a mixed media artist and frequently use borders to enhance the image. Also, I use color, hey, I even mix up my borders.
This painting is in a private collections but I have prints of my work. a customer wanted one for her home in Germany and the UK.
Please contact me for pricing
#mexico #mexicanpottery #yucatan #yucatanpottery ##changeofpeace #decarator #decarating #buyaprint #color #coloragic #mayan #gallery
Tuesday, January 18, 2022
Monday, January 17, 2022
Important Revolution Paper Found in Sock
Commander George Washington was wondering why Fort West Point was deteriating and General Benedict Arnold wasn't doing his job as head of the Fort.
Washington contacted General Arnold and they had a breakfast date with him and his two aides, Alexander Hamilton and black Warrant Officer Billy Lee.
The night before the breakfast a spy name
#spy #spy John Anderson, Revolution, #milliamen #famousmillitiamem #revolution #factsoftherevolution #teaching #teachinghistory #teachingamericanhistory #westpoint #westpointhistory #fortwestpointhistory #benedictarnold #americanhistory #extraorinaryfact #extraorinaryfactignoreed #countryroad #luckd John Anderson/Andre was apprehended by three low-ranking Colinist soldiers on a dark, lonely road and
ordered him to dismount and noticed something about his boot. They ordered him to take off his boots and in his sock they found a paper with the
plan to kill Washington, Hamilton and Lee at West Point. Anderson was executed and Arnold left West Point early before breakfast to work for the British which he was already doing. The soldiers were: Issac Van Wart, John Paulding, and David Williams These men were heroe and hopefully they were given high honors. Were you taught this in school, bet not. As a mole, I'm glad that Strieby digs this out of the Internet and
tells a story with illustrations in why is a Spy Called a Mole Time for me to disappear doen my Mole Hole, Mayor Molly McMole
Friday, January 14, 2022
This famous spy was just caught by three soldiers in the Revolutionary War. Their action saved the lives of Commander George Washington, Aides Alexander Hamilton, and black Mr. Billy Lee, who may have been the most painted soldier of the war with Commander Washington. Why would black warrant officer Mr. Billy Lee be so left out of our history but the portrait painters of the day painted him in at least 6 paintings? One was sold last year for 26 million dollars.
She was not taught this in school, had to read historians such as Washington: a Life by Ron Chernow. Bill O'Riley also agrees. Mr. Billy Lee was the best horseman inthe Colonies on his horse, Chinkling, carried a carbine, saved Washington's life more than once, faught with him for the whole 8 years of the Revolution. Yet our schools didn't teach about Lee. Well, he was there with Washington and Hamilton and the surrender of the British. You can't erase history and a man's life. Mr. Billy Lee was an American Hero, folks!
I came out of my mole hole today to write about this. Lorraine Strieby has some real good news to share with you. By the way, it didn't go so well for this spy sitting on this log, and Benedict Arnold was pretty shaken up by those papers in the sock. WHY IS A SPY CALLED A MOLE, by Lorraine Strieby
AKA Mayor Molly McMole, children's book series.
#hamilton #americanhistory #billylee #mrbillylee #georgewashington #forefathers #mayormollymcmole #crt #commandergeorgewashington #spy #storytelling
#hero #heroes #americanhistory #warrantofficer #erasinghistory #importantpapers #americanrevolution #surrender #britishsurrender #yorktown
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