Thursday, January 27, 2022
Mayor Molly McMole and General Horatio Gates
Coincidences or Destiny
I'm the blogger today but can you believe this? All true! Strieby wrote in her book 5, WHY IS A SPY CALLED A MOLE, about General Horatio Gates, his portrait is in the Congressional Building. He thought he was hot stuff and should be the first president of our great country, not Commander-in-Chief George Washington. So he showed up at the greeting and thankyou address that Washington gave his melitia, but Gates thought he was The Man. Well, Washington got started on his speech by taking out his glasses to read his notes and remarked that he had a few gray hairs and his eyes weren't the best because of their 8 year journey together to victory and how much he loved his fellow soldiers. Well, that brought down the house--applause, laughter, love, and respect. There is another famous painting of this event with all eyes on Washington and Horatio Gates looking out the window--he knew Washington was going to be our first President--not Horation Gates!
Strieby was the Original Concept Artist of the 2016 West Virginia Float in the Rose Parade in Pasadena, CA--WILD AND WONDERFUL. While she was back in Morgantown at a fundraiser at the Hotel Morgan, a handsome stranger walked across the room to introduce himself, Keith McIntosh, Senator Manchin's aide. Guess what, can you believe it, but Keith
grew up in General Horiatio Gate's home and raises beef cattle there. Of course, Strieby and McIntosh became friends and she had no way of knowing they would meet. She had a painting in Book 5 WHY IS A SPY CALLED A MOLE and General Gates' portrait is IN IT. You know my ancestor, Master Spy Christopher McMole, was Washington's spy and is the main character in her book. Strieby put a few generals in her book, but meeting Keith was something that made her proud, and Senator Manchin wanted to give her support in this project by sending Keith.
Please excuse any typos in here because I'm Mayor Molly McMole and I have big furry paws and Strieby really doesn't know that I sometimes write these blogs so
now it is time for me to scurry, hurry, and jump down my Mole Hole to check on my mole tribe. Have a good one Mayor Molly McMole MMM