Travel Series
Kapa'a ia a very picturesque town on Kauai. My husband and I loved to go to this restaurant that overlooked this town--on the way to the End of The Road, really it is the final spot in the state of Hawaii. This town, Kapa'a has a walkway right on the beach. We stayed in a resort near a restaraunt named The Bull Shed, right on the ocean. Stan had a love affair with Hawaii because his mom was a missionary there when she was a young woman. We visited here 15 times, he started viting in 1970 and I started visiting there in 2003. Down the road a piece there was the hotel that Elvis Presly starred in Blue Hawaii and South Pacific was filmed there as well as Jurreasic Park. Stan and I hiked up the mountain where the park sign "Jurrasic Park" was still there, approx 2004.
Please contact me regarding pricing lorrainestriebyproductions@gmail.com
(I painted quite a few paintings that were 12 in x 12 in on canvas, a few on a wall makes a good presentation) When I was in the Wing Gallery on Ventura Blvd,
Sherman Oaks, a colletcor bought as soon as they appeared in the Gallery. Thank you Robin and Mark, owners, and great fans and friends.