Friday, September 28, 2018

George Washington was given Iroquois/ Seneca Name by
Half King During French Indian War

                             Addendum to Why is a Spy Called a Mole

My creator, Lorraine Strieby and her daughter, Vicki Constantine Parzyk, just returned
from Morgantown where Strieby was invited for a book signing and present her book to
the  Skyview Elementary School.  Here is her addendum to this book:

ONCE upon a time there was a Half King who was part French and Iroquois and he
had great leadership skills and wanted to protect his tribes against the French.
Along came a tall, handsome man who the English called Major George Washington.
Half King saw that this man was like him, a warrior, who was not afraid of war and
had a Chief called Dinwiddie who was tight with money and men and expected
Major Washington to work miracles and beat the French who had more men and

Half King Tanacherison from the Seneca Tribes named this great warrior, George
Washington, who was half his age--Conotocarious.  Washington was very proud of
this name given to him by Half King.  He even signed this name on papers and

After a higher ranking man named General Braddock was killed, Conotocarious
was the Chief of his Tribe and fought with Half King.  Sometimes Conotocarious
had to be creative because Dinwiddie didn't give him wampum for food and didn't
know the geography  of Virginia and what is now Pennsylvania, but Half King
came to his rescue many times.

A man by the name of Zackquill Morgan whose  white and Native Indian tribes lived by the
Monongahela helped Major Washington and they became friends and Morgan
was a Colonel in the Revolution and  headed a Virginia Regiment.

Strieby's daughter, Vicki, went to the Courthouse to see Zackquill Morgan's statue
where Strieby had saw it last.  Vicki couldn't find it.  In the early days after the
wars the courthouse was in Zackquill's home.  Strieby wonders why it is not there
or at the Monongahela that Major Washington so loved and helped him win the
French Indian War.

Major Washington was always gratefull to Tanacherison and Conotocarious became
the President (not King) of the United States of America,  perhaps because of all
the lessons  he learned from Half King, so he could outsmart the English and win
the Revolution from the British.

Strieby wants to thank the sculptor, Jamie Lester, and Brenda Shinkovich, Amy Westwood,
and Sandra Bennett who on their own raised the money.  They wanted the CZM statue
on the Courthouse Square or on a grassy spot near the Monongahela where he belongs.
Is the Public Safety Building the spot for him?  Half King and Washington would say
loudly and with much emotion a loud "NO."

The building above is Fort West Point where Commander-in-Chief Washington, Lieutenant Colonel Hamilton, and Chief Aide, William Lee were to be captured
by the British.  Please buy Strieby's book, WHY IS A SPY CALLED A MOLE,
to find out what really happened.

Oh here she comes, MMM

Monday, September 24, 2018

Where Are the Statues of Zackquill Morgan and Charles Bent

Famous WIV Frontiersmen-- Morgan and Bent
I blog for Lorraine Strieby so here we go.  When she visited Morgantown, WV, for a book signing
her daughter wanted to see the statue of Zackquill Morgan and she told her the last time she
saw him he was at the Courthouse Square so off she went and she walked to  the University
and thought the Mountaineer was him.  Wow!  Old Zack had disappeared from the Courthouse.

They looked up on Google and they think he is up on Spruce Street beside the Public Safety Building.
When Strieby wrote and illustrated her Mayor Molly McMole Series that is in discussion for film
and entertainment in Los Angeles, she was delighted in writing the fifth book in the
series WHY IS A SPY CALLED A MOLE?  2,000,000 plus hits on the internet.  It is about my
ancestor, Christopher McMole, Master Spy, who helped Washington in the Revolution.

Strieby, as an artist, read that the sculptor and the fundraisers wanted him in a more
prominent place like near the Monongahela River.  Zack when he was young fellow fought with
Washington in the French Indian War. Young Washington fought in this war with the British and
the Half King Tanacherian who he was very close to Half King called him
Conotocaurious and Washington proudly went by this name.  This was a horrific war, but Washington
and Half King pulled it off with the British, Washington's troops, and Half King and his Seneca
Tribes.  They won the war!  Some historians believe this war was more important than the Revolution.

Here is the point, Zack not only fought side-by-side with Washington in this war and was a Colonel
in the Revolution, was a friend of Commander-in-Chief Washington, Washington visited him in Morgan Town,
Zack founded it.  Now Morgantown, she guesses has forgotten all this.  Why?  
Famous people came from West Virginia, but maybe not as famous as Zackquill Morgan. 
Now, where is his statue?...more to follow.  Where is Charles Bent's statue?  He might have
been more famous than Zack.


Thursday, September 20, 2018

Mayor Molly McMole Discovers Zackquill Morgan's Statue is in Morgantown

Strieby is out of her Los Angeles Studio  so now I get the chance to blog for her.  Six years ago
Zackquill Morgan's Statue, a sculpture we thought was at the Morgantown Court House on the corner.

Her daughter, Vicki Parzyk, went to take a look/see and she couldn't find it.

They looked up on Google and found he was beside the Public Safety Building at
Spruce Street.  The scupture was done by Jamie Lister.

Thanks Morgantown, author Lorraine Strieby and Vicki Parzyk really enjoyed ,your

We know that  he and the Major Washington rafted up the Monongahela River  to
fight with the Seneca Half King Tanacharison  who helped the British win
that war?  Does anyone know if there is a statue of Tanacharison?
There is a Seneca section of homes in Morgantown? Seneca Rock is nearby.

PS:  Shouldn't Half King Tanacharison be as famous as Geronimo or Sitting Bull?

Just wondering.  Oh here she comes, Bye

Wednesday, September 19, 2018


My daughter Vicki Lynn Constantine Parzyk and I were
in Morgantown to talk about my book WHY IS A SPY
CALLED A MOLE about the Revolution. I talked about
Zackquill Morgan who fought with Washington
In the French Indian War and the Revolution.
Vicki walked up to the Courthouse to
See his statue of honor. He was a Colonel
In the Revolution, friend of Commander-
In-Chief Washington. Where is this statue now
so we can film it? She couldn’t find it.
Book starts in Morgantown and is in discussion
for movie. I talked about how Zackquill Morgan, who
fought in the French Indian War and was a Colonel
under Commander-in-Chief in the American Revolution. WHERE IS THE STATUE OF HONOR
NOW? Washington and Morgan were  friends and Washington went to Morgantown to visit
him. The Monongahela is important too!  He founded Morgantown.

Tuesday, September 18, 2018


Do We Need a New Wedding Vow

Lorraine Strieby is out of her studio so I have heard that there is a lot going on in the
Senate of the US.  I don't know but this country was started by a Revolution led
by a white and black man.  Our Country is ONLY 250 years old.  Egypt and China
are many thousand years old.  They have had their ups and downs.  Heck, China
has a 3000 mile long wall.  Ms. Strieby has been on that wall.  It certainly has
helped China.

Our Congress needs to read up on our history.  You can read Chernow or the
Ballad of Billy Lee.  However, this black man was Commander Washington's
main aide, wore a uniform, sometimes fancier than Washington's.
Without the friendship of these two brave men, we may have never made it
as a country.  Ms. Strieby has done a lot of research and gave two talks
in West Virginia on the 14th and 15th of September in Morgantown on
the Monongahela River.  If you don't know about the relationship of
Washington and Mr. Billy Lee, you can't see how great Mr. Billy Lee
was to Commander Washington.

AND you know that white/gray horse, Blueskin, he is not the famous
horse. Nelson, who was the most famous horse--- ever, more than Secretariat, you
need to read Strieby's book, WHY IS A SPY CALLED A MOLE.

Remember, US Congress, a black and a white man made this Country
famous.  You need to bone up on your history.  If a mole can know this,
get along and study President Washigton.     Strieby is coming...have to go.  Bye

PS: Dr. Stan Gunn and Lorraine Strieby don't have to renew wedding vows
just to let you know.

Wednesday, September 5, 2018


Hey Mountaineers, do you know how important the Monongahela River is and
Zanquill Morgan?  Find out at the Monongalia Art Center on  the 15th.  She is not
going to talk much about me, but my ancestor Master Spy, Christopher McMole.

I went into her studio and took a wide sharpie and made a border on one of her
paintings.  She is not going to talk much about me, but she will a little bit because
she did a recent painting of me in Italy, called  finding molly,  that won an award
here in Los Angeles.  Now it is going to be in an art book that Salvatore Russo is
printing at this moment--in Italy.

Her book, Why Is a Spy Called a Mole, tells about the Revolution and how
important a white man and a black man made this country the greatest country  because
George Washington and those forefathers of ours  were tired of being pushed around by
those Europeans.  However, France finally became our friends and saved us.

Well, here she comes so I have to close this blog. Enjoy her lecture and book signing.
Mayor Molly McMole, MMM

She is also going to teach at Skyview Elementary.  Those kids are so lucky.  I hear they
are smart too.  Good for them!