Sunday, January 26, 2020

Mayor Molly McMole Finally Finds a New Home and Meets her Cousin, Vinnie the Shrew, and Learns to Surf

The Adventures of Mayor Molly McMole

Make Lemonade from Lemons

Mayor Molly McMole one morning awoke to a cement parking lot covering all of her 
mole holes and blocking her tunnels.  What to do?

After some thought she decided to get all of her mole friends, Spider Leggs and his web,
Sophia the Cat and jump into a strange car with the trunk open and hide under
a blanket that was convenient lying there.

The older couple shortly came, closed the trunk and they were on their way.  But to where?
Well it was a short trip to Santa Barbara, CA where they escaped out of the trunk
onto the beach where they had never seen an ocean. and "Wow" they saw this guy surfing.
Gus, the Omega mole said "lets do this,"  Well you can guess they pulled the bark off a dead tree
and Sandro painted their surfboards that they chewed into shape, and swam out a little way
and practiced under the stars.  Gus, Sophia,  and Sandro were natural surfers. Others just
lay on their boards but fun was had by all.

Well, what happens next is important because shortly they will meet Abby,
their savior and Molly's cousin, Vinnie the Shrew, which is the
name of the second book,  "Mayor Molly McMole Meets Cousin Vinnie the Shrew."
in Kindle.

Stay tuned to find out how they meet Abby, Vinnie,  and the villain of the story.
Yes, this tale has a villain

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

George Washington, Mr Billy Lee, the real hero in the Revolutionary War Along with of course Commander in Chief, George Washington

George Washington and Mr. Billy Lee
Lorraine Strieby

Mr. Billy Lee who historians like to call him a slave was anything but that.
He was a Warrant Officer in the Revolutionary War and the friend, relative, and black man who saved Commander in Chief, George Washington's life more than once and was the best horseman in the Colonies who rode a horse named Chinkling.  Now you would think that historians would
write about him more than they have and declare him a forefather since Washington would not go anywhere without him.  Mr. Lee did Washington's finances, fought with him in the Revolution right up there with Alexander Hamilton, but no.  They choose to ignore the fact that Mr. Billy Lee was the son of Colonel John Lee, rode a horse, carried a carbine in the Revolutionary War and in Washington's papers there is an Honorable Discharge declaration for Mr. Billy Lee.  Why do I keep
calling Mr. Billy Lee, Mr? Because Warrant Officers must always be referred to that title when they are no longer a member of the USA Military.  If he were alive today he would make
approximately $168.000 a year.
In this painting you will see me,  Mayor Molly McMole, reading about my ancestor
Master Spy, Christopher McMole, who worked with wolf dogs during the Revolution.
I have to cut this short because you know I am a Mole and do the hunt and peck
method of blogging.  Look Strieby's book up on Amazon.  You will be the
smartest person in the room if the conversation turns to President Washington and
our famous forefathers. 40 illustrations, Read to a child.

Mayor Molly McMole, MMM

Here she comes, so have to jump down my mole hole 

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Cat Sophia Falls Down the Mole Hole, Cat Sophia and Mayor Molly McMole

Cat Sophia

Today I'm introducing an important character in this Mayor Molly McMole Series.  In the
first book (above cover) She is "hell bent" on destroying Mole Town and these pesky moles,
especially the Mayor per her orders from her owners.

Like all cats, she is an independent soul.  Down deep inside, she has a heart of gold and knows
what is the right thing to do.

After falling down the mole hole, her adventure begins.  Scary and villainous in the beginning she evolves into a protective and loving companion to Mayor Molly and later to all the characters
including Abby in Valdez, Alaska.  Remember Mayor Molly McMole and her friends are forced to travel to
far places that you and your children will get to know, also.

Lorraine Strieby, writes and illustrates the Adventures of Mayor Molly McMole
sold on Amazon.           Mole pretending to be a mouse, with ears.  Book 1
Orders from Mayor Molly McMole

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Fashionista Mayor Molly McMole Is a Problem Solver and Travels the World--Read to a Child

I'm going to start telling you about this series and the moles you will meet and the people too.

I will start with Mayor Molly McMole who sneaks into my studio and helps write this blog.

She is comfortable in her own skin, oops fur, and wants to protect her citizen moles and her beautiful Mole Town.

In doing so, she occasionally jumps to conclusions.  However, most of the time she lands on her paws.

She adores fashion--jewelry, shoes--a real fashionista.
Dressing up for the job makes her feel good inside, and her constituent moles respect her for it.

When her town is destroyed., she shows her inner strength and is able to "let go" and start anew, at least four times in her life through this book series.

She has encouraged the arts and pushes her moles into studying architecture, giving them stipends to build magical castles using roots, onion bulbs, and abundant adobe that when mixed with water makes bricks.  She doesn't stop there, she also builds sand castles in Hawaii.

She even helps a football coach in Book 6, Football Handbook.


Lorraine Strieby, author and illustrator of the Adventures of Mayor Molly McMole

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Master Spy, Christopher McMole Right Next to Putin and Trump in Google Images, Why is a Spy Called a Mole?

Oh my!  If you look up Lorraine Strieby's  book WHY IS A SPY CALLED A MOLE, you will
see my ancestor master spy,  Christopher McMole and Commander-in-Chief GeorgeWashington  right next to Putin and Trump. This is on the Internet.

I think I'll just jump down my Mole Hole now before Strieby sees this!
MMM   Mayor Molly McMole

Sunday, January 5, 2020

Rabbit Hole (Alice Fell Down) Mole Hole (Cat Sophia Fell Down ) by Lorraine Strieby

                                             What in the Heck is a Mole Hole Anyway?

Just like Alice fell down a rabbit hole, Sophia the Cat did just that, only in her case it was a mole hole, my mole hole. It stirred up trouble in our Mole Town.  I certainly didn't expect it,  Thankfully the cat was unconscious but my first responders,
the Mole Town Fire Department, came to tie the cat down but just a little bit too late.

Sophia was on a mission to get rid of us because we make tunnels and mole hills.  Did you know
that we are very small with big appetites and we can dig our tunnels very fast looking for earth
worms. The property owners didn't like that so I had to solve a big problem

Have you every wondered what is down a mole hole?  Well, Lorraine Strieby did and she
wrote about  it in her book series The Adventures of Mayor Molly McMole, hey that's me!
I'm not what you expect, I'm rather glamorous, crafty, smart and brave.  My Mole Town
has castles with onion domes, made with real onions. You have to be resourceful living
down in our dark tunnels.

 However, I have architects Keith and Fred that not only build
castles, but sand castles, ice castles, and college campuses.  Remember there are six books
on kindle, two on Amazon and soon to be more on Amazon.

I want to talk about Spider Leggs and his magical, electrical web that has a mind of its own but
I hear  Lorraine and she doesn't know that I  use her blog too.  --I'm off to one of my castles...
Mayor Molly McMole MMM  #rabbithole #molehole #aliceandwonderland #moleanimals
#spiders #web #worldwideweb #castles #oniondomes #sandcastles #icecastles
#bradhirou #davidbach #tunnels #tunnelbuilders #cats #firstresponders
