Thursday, May 28, 2020

American Revolution--How did Commander Washington Communicate to His Troops, Home Schooling with Mayor Molly McMole

Remember no phones, cells, computers!  So how did Washington know how to move his troops?  He 
did you know and he was creative and cagey like a fox.  In her war book, Why Is a Spy Called a Mole,  you will meet three soldiers who captured a spy named John Anderson/Andre who had the plans on how to attack Washington at Fort West Point.  NOT GOOD FOR  SPY John Andre.  You will learn about General Benedict Arnold and what really became of him and meet Master Spy Christopher McMole and some wolf dogs.
Well folks, I have to hop down my mole hole.  Does anyone know a nail salon that is open, my paw claws sure need a manicure. . .?

Mayor Molly McMole 

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

George Washington--Who was he Really

Well here he is with a spoonful full of sugar.  First of all I doubt if he wore powder in his hair since he was a relatively young warrior and  Commander-in-
Chief of the Revolutionary Forces and had reddish brown hair worn in a braid.
And forget about Blueskin, he was for show.  Washington rode with his men on a horse named, Nelson--probably the most famous horse ever.  Nelson had an uneven blaze, sorrel. and white stockings.  This horse and Washington were as one spirit in battle and
 Washington taunted the British by riding back and forth in front of his troops.  Blueskin was afraid of gun and cannon fire--
not Washington nor Nelson.  Washington they say was not shot in these battles but after his death his war vest did have some bullet holes.  His troops fought behind trees and knew the mountain trails.
Washington and his Aides were expert horsemen. especially Warrant Officer, Mr. Billy Lee.
General Horatio Gates wanted to be the first President, but he had no chance against 
Commander-in-Chief George Washington.

More coming. Lorraine Strieby
author of the Revolutionary war book
for kids and older folks. too
Amazon and Kindle

Thursday, May 21, 2020

School at Home, Why does Washington Appear Here With Half King Wearing His Revolution Uniform

History can be boring--not so with Ms Lorraine Strieby's books.  She makes it interesting, for
example in her book, Why Is a Spy Called a Mole?

Question for the day, folks:
Why does she paint Tanacharison standing behind Washington?

Tanacharison was Chief of the Seneca Tribes, including the Mohawks
He was Washington's go-to guy in the French Indian War
Washington learned to fight like an Indian Warrior.
Even had and signed with an Indian name:  CONOTOCAURIUS given to him by the Iroquois Native Americans
Best horseman in the Colonies along with MR. BILLY LEE
TANACHARISON is standing behind WASHINGTON because he was a mentor and was killed before the Revolution. Tanacharason spoke French because  he was kidnapped by the French as a baby. 
Therefore Washington is wearing Colonial uniform as Commander-in-chief but Tanacharison
is a man he revered.  Remember Washington's Indian background surprised and shocked the
British Red Coats, marching in lines while the Americans fought behind trees.  The English
had to change their ways or they would lose in Yorktown.  Look it up.

Well, lesson over.  Bet you didn't get this in school.  Time for me to jump down my Mole Hole.
Mayor Molly McMole, MMM 16 x 20 paper or canvas with gallery wrap, shipped in tube for pricing contact

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Homeschooling with Mayor Molly McMole, Learning facts with a "Spoonful of Sugar"

I am using Strieby's computer again.  For you homeschoolers out there you might want to get her
book, Mayor Molly McMole Meets Vinnie the Shrew, an adventure we had going up the California coast all the way to Alaska.  You see Lorraine Strieby is a teacher and her books are fantasy based on facts and since she is an artist too she illustrates her own books.  They say a picture equals a 1K
words so reading her books is like storytelling to the kids and many words if you count the many illustrations.

Did you know that there are no moles in Alaska--too cold for their mole holes?  My adventurous moles are now nomads because a contractor covered up our Mole Town, filled with castles.
Then our adventures begin.  We see the sites--a golden bridge, dormant volcanoes, the Seattle Harbor, orcas, gray whales, and then Valdez.  You see shrews and moles are related and my Cousin Vinnie builds, rents, and sells ice castles.  Of course, I rent one.  Oh, magical days!

In Valdez Cat Sophia meets a wonderful lady named Abby, chef, graduate of USC, and
takes us to Rome and Hawaii for the winter months.  Well these are different books in the series,
and the first book, Cat Sophia and Mayor Molly McMole is the beginning of a six-book series
with 250 illustrations.   Reading her books is like learning facts with a "spoonful of sugar"...
Amazon and Kindle
Well, here she comes so have to go, MMM

Friday, May 15, 2020

Mayor Molly McMole Gives a Shoutout to Our Hero Truck Drivers

STRIEBY IS OUT of her studio now so I want to say that I found this photo of her lovely daughter, Vicki Parzyk, holding  Lorraine's board game--wannaBtruckers.  This game salutes truckers and now since we have to contend with this Covid 19 let us give a shoutout to these
hero truckers who are out there on the front lines delivering our supplies.

Also, this game is not electronic and it is a travel game and the family gets involved and your kids will learn about the USA too, all parts made in the USA...

Well, I said my piece so down the Mole Hole I go.  Be safe and give thanks to all those truckers out there.



Friday, May 8, 2020

Mayor Molly McMole Gives a Shoutout to Sophia the Cat, Lorraine Strieby

Sophia the Cat  and the rest of my mole tribe are heroes--not just me, Mayor Molly McMole

Lets face it, this cat named Sophia fell down one of my mole holes, landed with a thud and was
fully disoriented for a few minutes.  I knew that I had to do something and I made her my   friend.
We had a wild ride to Alaska and along the way she learned to surf in Santa Barbara, made
friends with a rich lady in Valdez, Alaska, so we could escape the Alaska cold weather for the winter and visit Rome where Snookims the cat became very jealous of Sophia during our visit to Florence and the famous Four Rivers Fountain.  Sophia solved a big problem in Strieby's Football Handbook; saved Coach Mary's job, in fact.

All this, and she unfortunately was locked up in an Hawaiian animal shelter so the veterinarian could clear her of any disease.  Yes, she was quarantined (Book 4, Mayor Molly McMole Follows the Sun).  You will learn a lot about Hawaii--another mole tribe adventure. 

Well, my hunt and peck method of writing this post with my paws gets to me sometimes,
but wanted to give a shoutout to my good friend, Sophia tonight.

See you around, but you better be quick, remember I'm a mole.

Down my mole hole, Mayor Molly McMole, MMM 20 x 16 in., on paper or canvas with gallery wrap, shipped in a tube For pricing please go to or