Monday, June 28, 2021


Here is General George Washington.  Yes, he was known as a General, who fought in two wars.  Some people think the French Indian War was even more important than the Revolution.  Washington was like Eisenhower -- a General, but he fought with his men, in fact led his men in battle.  Below are just two men who served with him and were war heroes too--his peers!  

CANCELLED Mr. Billy Lee-- spoke two languages, was a warrant officer, was the best horseman in the colonies, saved Washington's life more than once, sometimes wore a fancier uniform than Washington.  Fought in the Revolution for 8 years and led the troops with Commander George Washington.  Were you taught about  him?  Bet not...  In the  famous painting Washington Crossing the Delaware who was the man standing behind him--Mr. Billy Lee.  Were you taught this in school--bet not...   A famous painting of Washington and Mr. Billy Lee was just sold for $26 million dollars.  You can find him in at least 6 famous paintings of Washington.  But he is not taught in school,  he has been cancelled! 

CANCELLED Let us not stop there.  Above is Tanacharison, one of Washington's mentors when Washington fought in the French Indian War, spoke fluent French.  Here Washington is in the Revolution  and  Tanacharison is shown in back of him.  Unfortunately Tanacharison was killed in the French Indian War but he had helped Washington and taught him how to fight--not like the British who fought in tired rows, dressed in red uniforms.  Were you taught about him? Bet not...


Well, if you like American History do yourself a favor and buy Why Is a Spy Called a Mole? Amazon

Six book series that are fantasy based on fact

 #americanrevolution #frenchandindianwar #mrbillylee #tanacharison #warrantofficer 



Our Congress is thinking about getting rid of the very large paintings of our Forefathers.  Why not add paintings of our black forefathers (Yes, there were black Forefathers, Mr. Billy Lee, and Mr. Oscar Marion,  to name a few--these brave men were aides to George Washington (Mr. Billy Lee and Francis Marion"s aide and brother Mr. Oscar Marion).  They fought along side Washington and Marion, the Swamp Fox.  Also, there were the Senecas heroes, Tanacharison in the French Indian War spying for Washington  and Guyasuta who helped Washington in battles. These two men were in the Seneca Nation.  Mr. Billy Lee was a Warrant Officer, if he lived today he would make--- $160,000 a year  (the English had Warrant Officers since the 1600s).

The Decembrists (100 Russian Military men) wanted the American Constitution in Russia after the fall of the Czar and they tried to overthrow the new government, however their plan did not work out and they were punished, or executed for their effort.  Today, you can find their memorial in Siberia. 

Our Constitution and the Declaration of Independence are considered two of the most important documents ever written.  Thomas Jefferson was locked in a house until he wrote The Declaration of Independence and was elected to do so because of his writing talent.  


Just think these"white" Forefathers could have been executed for treason if Commander George Washington had failed to win the Revolution which he led (in person not from a cushy desk) with his black aides Mr. Billy Lee and Mr. Oscar Marion.  

Getting rid of our history is a travesty--JUST  teach American History please.  I had to wade through history books to write WHY IS A SPY CALLED A MOLE--about the American Revolution.  One of the reasons I wrote this book was to write about black Mr. Billy Lee, aide and warrant officer to Commander George Washington, who loved this aide as a brother. And our children should know this. Washington even built him a house on the Mount Vernon Estate.  Oh, by the way, Mr. Billy Lee was the best horseman in the new Country, on his horse, Chinkling.  He was a hero and after the war  people came to see Mr. Billy Lee ride Chinkling through the virgin forest nearby.  

Lorraine Strieby, aka Mayor Molly McMole (a clever mole who just hopped down her Mole Hole.)

#americanrevolution #senecaheroes #blackheroes #tanacharison #guyasuta #georgewashington #theswampfox #francismariion #blackmarion 


Monday, June 21, 2021

Critical Race Theory--Why ? This Should Be a Parent Thing--You know, The Golden Rule, Love Your Neighbor as Yourself--Schools should Teach American History--We are not racist

Critical Race Theory

Why Are The Powers That Be Are Even Thinking About This

1.  American History was not taught in school?  Do you really know about the French Indian War and what role George Washington played in it?
2.  Do you know who black Mr. Billy Lee was  (Warrant Officer to George Washington, not slave) ?
3.  Do you know who black Oscar Marion was, like a brother to the Swamp Fox, Francis Marion?
4.  Who was General Henry Knox, and what was he famous for?
5.  Why did people come to Mount
 Vernon after winning the Revolution  besides wanting to see 
Commander-in-Chief George Washington?
CRT promotors think you don't know the following: 
1. The answers to the above questions
2.  There were black forefathers too
3.  There were Seneca tribal forefathers too
4.   We are not racists
5.  American history is and was not taught in school
6.   History books can be boring--jazz it up a bit!
7.  You were not taught why President Washington was elected President
8.  You don''t know that we are a Republic--not a Democracy
     That means the people have the power and the elect officials to represent them.
9.  You don't know the Constitution (Even some members of the Russian military wanted our Constitution
     for Russia and were punished for their efforts)
10.The promotors of CRT are ignorant of the above.

Most countries only keep their government for 250 years.  Did you know that Italy is one of the youngest countries.  What?  Yes, they were a bunch of principalities.  Their post offices are in tobacco shops.

Lorraine Strieby, AKA Mayor Molly McMole, a series of children's books and book 5 is 
WHY IS A SPY CALLED A MOLE, answers the above questions and then some--history with a spoonful of
sugar with a a bunch of illustrations.  Amazon and Kindle  (about Mayor Molly's  mole/spy Christopher McMole,
Spy for Commander-in Chief, George Washington)
#crt #americanhistory #americanrevolution #americanheroes #senecatribes #warrantofficer #warrantofficers #frenchindianwar #battleofyorktown #mayormollymcmolesblog


Sunday, June 20, 2021


WHY IS A SPY CALLED A MOLE, Lorraine Strieby

Here he is, perhaps our greatest and first President of the USA.  Here he is arriving at West Point to have breakfast with Benedict Arnold.  It was a planned event, but when he arrived at the run-down fort, General Benedict Arnold had left early that morning to board the British ship, the Vulture.  (He was planning to kill Washington at West Point, but the plan backfired)! Yes--he was a traitor and let the fort go downhill on purpose.  Arnold captained the ship, the Vulture, for about a year and went back to England where he belonged.
Commander-in-Chief George Washington led his troops for approximately 8 years with Warrant Officer, Mr. Billy Lee, and Aide Alexander Hamilton through years of terrible conditions to win the freedom for our citizens.
Mayor Molly McMole bets you were not taught this in school.
Did you know about these three, Washington, Hamilton, and black Mr. Billy Lee (who happened to have saved Washington life a couple of times during the Revolution) were heroes.  AND Washington rode his war horse, Nelson, led his troops and was shot at many times, as he taunted the British because he was one of the best horseman in the country--he rode Nelson back and forth in front of his troops--and they couldn't even wound him--true!!!  Look it up.

#georgewashington #horseman #besthorseman #mrbillylee #warrantofficer #warrantofficermrbillylee #benedictarnold #fortwestpoint #spyanderson #nelson #blueskin #washingtonandhisloveofanimals #sweetlips #benedictarnold #thevuleture #battleatYorktown #battle atmanhattan


Saturday, June 12, 2021


Did you know that school boards are making all holidays generic and just put holiday or happy holiday,
on school calendars so goodbye Christmas, Easter, Columbus Day, and 
in the summer session what are they going to do with Independence Day, 4th of July?

Well, in skyscrapers and hotels--they don't have the 13th floor.  Well why not skip the 4th of July, and go from the 3 to the 5th.  And that would make July a 30-day month, which would be good for people who get Social Security on the first of the month.
The school boards want to teach 1619 right?   CRT wants to get rid of our forefathers so what is their plan when the 4th of July rolls around like it does every year, unfortunately for CRT.
No more firecrackers, family picnics, American flag, forefathers, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, Mr. Billy Lee, Mr. Oscar Marion, the Swamp Fox, and  the Constitution.
I actually never thought much about Columbus Day but now I want to celebrate it!  Yes-- very much I want to celebrate the brave Christopher Columbus who thought he might go over the flat ocean into space.  He and his crew would be the first astronauts.   By the way, the natives in Hawaii killed Captain Cook, maybe we should have Captain Cooks's Day. He did some important things for the Islands like bringing over livestock and those beautiful chickens that are the protected bird in Hawaii.  
We parents and grandparents need to go to more board meetings, see what is going on there beside cookies and speeches by elected board members.
Drab school room bulletin boards, no more Christmas trees, Easter bunnies, red and blue decorations, American flags, 
When I went to First Ward Elementary, Morgantown, WV, the students had to hoist the flag before school, and take it down after school, learn how to fold it properly, you know each 13 folds mean something. Of course, we had to say the Pledge of Allegiance.  AND
 the flagpole was smack dab in front of the school. Well that was how it was in the USA where we had freedom of speech.  

Mayor Molly McMole is still down in her Mole Hole, so I am writing this message.
Lorraine Strieby, birthing person, blogger, American
author, The Adventures of Mayor Molly McMole, and Why is a Spy Called a Mole 
(about our forefathers, the American Revolution,
 and the famous black Mr. Billy Lee)
fantasy based on fact 

#fourthofjuly #schoolboard #schoolboards #genericschoolcalendars #schoolcalendars #patriot #patriots #americanflag #crt #1619project #1776project  


Friday, June 11, 2021

Birthing Person Abby in The Adventures of Mayor Molly McMole, Preposterous Title

Actually this birthing person owns a restaurant
I was going to write she but this is not politically right, right?


Lewis Carroll wrote Alice in Wonderland as a satire on British politics. Mayor Molly McMole wants to know if you moms, mammas, grandmothers, GiGs -- are you happy with being called birthing person? Well a Missouri congress birthing congress person just renamed you.  She called us this yesterday in US Congress.
Hold on, just think on Birthing Persons Day the card companies will have to do a lot of reprinting.
Fathers Day Cards too--Sperm Donors Day, LOL
Missouri, thanks for thinking we women and female moles as cows or sheep.
Lewis Carroll, we have a lot of mad hatters running around!
Look, Mom, Momma, Grandmother, GiGi are important titles, just like CEO, PhD, Senator, perhaps even more important.
Congress birthing persons and Congress sperm donors get a grip!
You are falling down the Rabbit Hole, in this case Mole Hole!!!
Missouri, don't you think you should change your name "Miss"--Mayor Molly doesn't think that will be legal.  Hopefully we will keep Mississippi.  

Well, again Lorraine Strieby doesn't know I type sometimes when I feel I'm in the writing mood.
I wonder what our Forefathers of all colors would think of this-- "Alice in Wonderland" environment.
Well, time for me to jump down the Mole Hole.  It is sane down there.

Signed proudly Mayor Molly McMole, AKA Lorraine Strieby
#birthingpersons #congressman #congresswoman #congressbirthingperson #congressspermdonor #politics #politicalcorrectness #crt  #criticalracethery #parent #parents #pta  #schoolboard #schoolboards
#teacher #teachers #history #historybuff #USA #america  #mom #moms #mamma #mammas #grandmothers #grandmother #gigi #gigis #greatgrandmas #greatgrandmothers 
#catholicchurch #minister #ministers #greetingcardcompoanies #libraries  


Sunday, June 6, 2021

Nathan Hale (American History Not Taught in Schools) Perhaps Hale, Not Yale


George Washington had many challenges during the Revolution.  The presidency of the USA was not handed to him on a platter and he was not born with a silver spoon in his mouth.  He did not even sign the Declaration of Independence.  

He was underfunded, his troops were good at shooting but he was short on ammo.  They had to fight the winter cold and were short on warm clothing, boots, food--in general--supplies.  But he did have spies.  If you have been following the blogs of Lorraine Strieby and Mayor Molly McMole's adventures you know about the American Revolution, George Washington, Mr. Billy Lee, but did you know about Nathan Hale.

He graduated from Yale and volunteered to fight for our country.  Washington was losing the war and was in Manhattan losing to the Brits.  Remember, he couldn't sign the Declaration of Independence because he was out fighting for our freedom.

Well he asked his troops for one volunteer to go behind the enemy lines and be a spy--get the goods on these soldiers who were taking away our rights to be respected throughout the world.  Well, at the time only one soldier stood up and volunteered.  And, indeed, he was good at what he volunteered to do and helped Washington beat the Brits but he was caught and paid with his life.

He died with honor, and his last words are still quoted today, "I only regret that I only have but one  life to lose for our country."

He was disguised as a school teacher and worked as a spy for a few weeks before he was executed by the Brits.  Some people think that Yale University should be changed to Hale University.  Nathan Hale had no slaves while Eli Yale was a slave trader.

I'm so proud of my ancestor Christopher McMole, master spy for George Washington-- please read about the American Revolution by Lorraine Strieby.  Well here she comes so I am going to hop down my mole hole.

Mayor Molly McMole, AKA Lorraine Strieby, Author of Why Is a Spy Called a Mole

#americanhistory #nathanhale #georgewashington #whyisaspycalledamole #slavetrader #spy #georgewashington #battleofmanhattanamericanrevolution #americanrevolution